Last night one of those surreal moments happened that make life worthwhile. I was sitting at the back of a darkened theatre full of arm-waving kids, with a Sunday School teacher on both sides of me, la-laing into each ear an Elton John classic, 'Crocodile Rock' - or, as it had been rebaptised, 'Sunday School Rock' - being 'played' by a bunch of Muppet-like puppets on stage.
A local Methodist church (Woodseats Methodist) has a slick puppeteering team (who struggled slightly on a raked stage, but that wasn't their fault) presenting to rapturous Mexican waves of churched children such Christian classics as 'Raindrops Keep Falling on my Boat', 'New Life, New Life' (think Sinatra), 'Hallelujah, it's Fishers of Men' and 'Y Not 2Day?' (about the possibilities of witnessing to Jesus). In case you'd not guessed, the last two are better known even to cultural morons like me as the Queen numbers 'Hallelujah, it's Raining Men' and 'YMCA' - the latter made even more plain by the headgear of the puppets involved.
To its target audience, the show went down big. But I was left confused.
Do the presenters realise these are gay anthems? Is the musical director a Freddie Mercury fan? Or is this just a bizarre example of cultures passing in the night?
The wedding at Cana
2 days ago