I'm vaguely wondering about having a site counter on the blog, to see how many hits the site gets. But I rather suspect it's out of vanity/idle curiosity. Why do I need to know?
On a similar note, I'm getting a lot of Facebook requests to post 25 random facts about me. And even though this would only be seen by my friends, I find myself twitchy at the prospect. Who needs to know that I once owned a hamster called Baron Rufus von Munchhausen (with a red head and a propensity for eating carpet)? (oops, only 24 facts to go now...) I prefer to be silent and mysterious, at least when I'm talking to numbers of people beyond my control. And maybe I should extend the same privilege to whoever comes across this. Any views, gentle readers?
The wedding at Cana
2 days ago
I have a site metre and it becomes quite addictive and sometimes a bit depressing - you can tell whetehr your friends have been reading you as often as they say they have too! Enemies too I suppose!
ReplyDeleteI suspect that although my recent blog got six comments as the others were all by you two there's only the three of us reading them. But as I'm not at all numerate (even less numerate than I am a scholar of the Hebrew Scriptures) I don't think I'll do the counting thing. I do still want to do the pcitures thing better and I've still not got the hang of making the links in the text into red/read letters, like Jane does. However, I am envious of the hip hamster. Just delivered Waffle and Muffin to their holiday home for the next three days (W and M are rabbits).